Nut Graf

Nut Graf

   A Nut Graf is a paragraph, usually found in a feature story, that explains the news value of the story. In journalism, the nut graf puts the story in context and tells the reader the importance of the story. Many writers would argue that the nut graf is the most important section of a story because it tells the reader why they should continue to read this story. The word "Nut Graf" got it's name from the term "In a nutshell." Meaning this paragraph is explaining the main purpose of why this story was written. 

The nut graf is written in a news style where the essential facts of the story are written. This is known as the lead. It includes answers to questions such as, who, what, when, where, why, and how. Some things to keep in mind when writing a Nut graf is that you do not want to give away the ending of your story in this paragraph. Also brainstorm some good questions that readers might be wandering before hand and try to address these already. And most importantly, give the readers a good hook or reason to continue reading your story. 



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