Phobia Project

A. A phobia is an exaggerated and irrational fear. It is often a fear of an object or situation that people tend to go to great lengths in order to avoid.

Acrophobia- Fear of heights.
Agyrophobia- Fear of streets or crossing the street.
Amaxophobia- Fear of riding in a car.
Monophobia- Fear of solitude or being alone.
Aphenphosmphobia- Fear of being touched. (Haphephobia)

C. A possible photo idea for the phobia of being afraid of heights is that I could take a picture of someone on top of something tall and looking very frightened. An idea for the fear of streets is I could take a picture of someone avoiding crossing the street. A photo idea for the fear of riding in a car is I could take a picture of someone inside a car looking trapped and begging to come out. Another idea is for shooting the phobia of being alone I could have one subject in a very large space and being the only one there. And lastly, for the fear of being touched I could have someone being the subject of the photo and having many hands trying to touch or come at the them.

The first phobia I want to shoot for my phobia project is the fear of streets or crossing the street. I could pick any street in my neighborhood have a subject waiting at the end of the street with the light turned to walking and them not moving. I could show the rule of thirds or leading lines.
The second phobia I would like to shoot is the fear of riding in a car. I would have a subject inside a car and I would take the photo from outside the car. With this, I could then show the subject banging on the window and begging to get out of the car. I think this photo could show great emotion and would really be able to capture what phobia is being shown.
Lastly, I want to shoot the phobia of being in solitude or being alone. My subject could be in the center of the photo or in rule of thirds. I would shoot in a very open or large area in order to make the person look very small and capture the big loneliness surrounding them.

D. In order to capture a great photo for the phobia of being afraid of crossing the street or streets, I would have to make sure the subject is showing some photogenic techniques. First off, I would want to make sure the subject's posture is very well shown. I would want them either hunched over or dragging there head in order to show that they really don't want to cross the street. I am not sure that I would want to capture there facial expressions because there body language might be enough to pull this photo off. However, If I were to show the subject's facial expressions I would want the subject to
have squinched eyes and a dreading look on there face.

A way to shoot the fear of riding in the car, the subject's facial expressions are going to be crucial in this. I want to make sure the subject looks uncomfortable and scared in there situation. Also there hands are going to be very important in this photo. I want there hands to be on the window either banging with fists or slowly moving down the window in agony.

Lastly, a way to shoot the fear of being alone is all about posture. I want the subject to have there head in there knees and there arms wrapped around there knees. This posture shows that they are scared or trying to hide away from this idea that they are alone. Also the background is very important. I want the background to look completely empty and look very wide and open. Then the subject will be sitting in this open space all alone which will really capture this phobia.


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