Top- 100 Images, Photo 2

1. I picked this image because it is very powerful. This single man is brave enough to stand in front of 4 loaded army tanks. This is out of the ordinary because not many people would be strong enough to stand in front of army tanks. It caught my eye and made me want to know more about this photo and what was going on.

2 & 3.  On June 5, 1989, photography Jeff Widener was sitting outside of his hotel in Beijing. This was the day after the Tiananmen Square massacre. Press sent Widener to document the aftermath. Widener was taking pictures of bloody victims and all sorts of cruel things when he noticed something very unusual. He took a picture of a man who was just carrying shopping bags that stepped in front of these tanks and was refusing to move. Later on the tanks tried to go around him but he just stepped back in their path. He wasn't killed he got taken away, and the tanks held their fire.


Jeff Widener 
August 11, 1956 - Present ( age 61 ) 
Born in Long Beach, California 
Los Angeles Pierce College and Moorpark College 



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