Rules of Photography Part 2

Avoiding Mergers - The shovel is being partially cropped out of the image. This creating a merger for the photo. 
Cropping - This is cropping because the palm tree was cropped so that it was the only focus of the image. It was tightly cropped so that it was the only subject for the photo. 
Framing- This image shows framing because the trees act as a frame around the water. 
Create Depth - This image creates depth because the land has different layers to it. It has a foreground and a background. This gives the photo an illusion of depth. 
Background - This photo follows the rules of background because the background is not distracting or interfering with the main subject of the photo. Also the background is simple and blurred out, so your eyes are automatically drawn towards the bird that's in focus. 
Viewpoint - This image is taken from a birds eye view. This creates a background story for the photo, so you know where the photo was taken and it's full perspective. 
Symmetry and Patterns ( repetition ) This image is showing repetition of the palm trees. The use of palm trees are being repeated from emphasis. Also the trees are symmetrical on each side. 
Leading Lines - The bridge is showing leading lines that draw your attention to the end of the beach. They lead your eyes to the beach. 
Balancing Elements - The chair and the umbrella and balancing each other out. They both take up about the same amount of space so they are balancing the photo out. 
Rule of thirds - This is rule of thirds because the palm tree is only on the left side of the image.


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