Post Shoot Reflections

1. The challenges I faced when trying to get photos for the prompts were, I couldn't get the right angle or the right image to represent the four prompts. Also since we had to work with natural light for outside, this made it difficult to get every image to have the right balance of light.

2. The technical aspects that I was focused on most during this shoot was, making sure the subject of my photo was focused and had the right amount of lighting. I really had to focus on these things during the happy photo, because I didn't want my subject to be out of focus since they were most likely laughing or in motion.

3. If I had to do the assignment again I would try to use more photo techniques. I would get better angles are try to incorporate more of the composition rules to improve my photo.

4. The things I wouldn't change would be using the Portrait mode to take my photos. I was able to adjust my photos to just the right focus and a good angle that's appealing to the eye.

5. In my Bowie photo, I used simplicity because there wasn't anything distracting that was taking away the focus of the main subject. However, my other photos didn't follow these technical aspects because I didn't know how to use them.

6. I would be interested in shooting these same prompts because I now know more about how to shoot a great photo. Now I could incorporate these techniques.

Part 2

1. All of Zoe's photo were very well taken and had great quality. Also her photos were very original and creativity showed each of the prompts.

2. One thing that could be improved is that her happy photo didn't exact relate to the idea of being happy. She could of taken a picture of something more vibrant to give off that "happy" vibe.


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